Our Recent Projects
Below are just some of the projects we have been working on. If you’d like to see further proof we are the right company for you please ask to see further projects and we’d be happy to share these with you.

Beech Tree Dental Surgery
Brief: New modern website showcasing their dental surgery
Services: Web Design, Website Hosting and Email Hosting
Jeremy Gardiner
Brief: Redevelop website with new bespoke portfolio
Services: Web Design and Development, Wesbite Hosting & Domain transfer
Eco Plumbing & Heating
Brief: To build a brand new website for an already established company
Services: Web Design, Website Hosting and Domain Purchase
Brief: Update website to new modern design
Services: Web Design, Wesbite Hosting & Domain Registeration
Rubbish Clearance
Brief: Brand new website development & Local SEO
Services: Web Design, Search Engine Optmisation, Wesbite Hosting & Domain Registeration
Elborough Cares
Brief: To build a new website for a new care company. Built with WordPress for the client to easily maintain.
Services: Web Design, Website Hosting
Fluffy Cakes
Brief: New Website, Logo & Stickers for start-up company
Services: Web Design, Logo, Website Hosting & Domain Registration, Sticker Design
Brief: Transfer website to our servers, setup new email address & maintain website.
Services: Web Maintenance, Logo, Website Hosting & Email Setup
Bristol Tuition
Brief: New Website based on design provided by client.
Services: Web Design, Wesbite Hosting, Website Maintenance
Kat Collett
Brief: Update outdated website to new modern design.
Services: Web Design, Wesbite Hosting, Email Setup
Pro Structures
Brief: Update new website to modern design
Services: Web Design, Wesbite Hosting & Email Setup
Koi Crazy
Brief: New website built selling koi fish, pond equipment and accessories. Integrated with crd payment procesor and PayPal.
Services: Web Design, Website Hosting, Logo Design, Domain Transfer, Email Setup